通过 40 0 t/h无烟煤锅炉热负荷分配试验研究 ,经锅炉各级受热面实际吸热温升与设计值的比较 ,受热面最高管壁温度的测试 ,对各级受热面进行安全性诊断。并提出能确保锅炉受热面安全运行的主蒸汽温度控制值。
The heating load distribution for 400t/h anthracitic boiler is tested and studied., The security of each grade of the heated surface is diagnosed based on the maximum test temperature of heated surface and the temperature difference between the actual one and the normal increased in each grade of the heated surface under heating. As a result, the control value of bus steam temperature is proposed to guarantee the boiler safe operation. Suggestions including better heater and reheater temperature control outside the boiler as well as the change of high temperature heater with a new one are put forward at the end.
Hunan Electric Power