我国铁路现已实现4次大面积提速,旅客运输周转量和客运收入实现大幅度的增长。通过翔实的统计资料,综合多方面因素的影响,定量分析了铁路提速带来的内部和外部效益,2001年铁路提速使企业内部效益增加 11亿元,外部效益增加 262亿元,因此铁路应继续实施提速战略,提高铁路的市场竞争力。
China Railway has launched so far four times speed-increase. Asa result, the passenger kilometers and passenger transport income are dra-matically increased. According to the full and accurate statistics and takinginto consideration of different correlative factors, the paper carries out a quan-titative analysis to both internal and external benefits of speed-increasing,whereby the internal benefit increase is 1.1 billion Yuan and the external ben-efit increase is 26.2 billion Yuan. As a conclusion, China Railway should carryon the speed-increasing strategy and improve the market competence ofrailway.
Railway Transport and Economy