DB Reise & Touristik AG is composed by Long DistancePassenger Transport Company and Short Distance PassengerTransport Company and its headquarters is located in Frankfurt. Ithas four functional divisions: finance/supervision, market/marketing,human resources and production/technology. The passenger trans-port company can dispatch many kinds of passenger trains accord-ing to the market demands and can decide different pricing as wellas the discounting policies. In addition to the traditional booking atstations, the passenger transport company works in cooperation withtourist agents to sell tickets, assigns booking agents and adoptsmulti-booking modes such as automatic booking machine, internetbooking, telephone booking, on-board automatic booking machine,on-board conductor booking, etc. Based on an analysis and fore-cast to passenger flow, by employing advanced passenger train dis-patching plan simulation system, it designs the passenger train dis-patching plan that is in constant with passenger transport demandsand that best matches the transport capacity and traffic demands.
Railway Transport and Economy