根据发展战略、布局规划、总体规划、5年计划和年度计划这条主线 ,按不同特征将航运规划分门别类地连在一起 ,构建一个新的内河航运规划体系 。
The method is put forward to categorize the planning system for inland water transportation in accordance with six elements from the planning subject and its characteristics,from the planning phases and its space, from the planning of timing and its objects and so on.The development strategy, layout plans,master plans,the five-year plans and the annual plans are now in place following the mainline of phased planning features by the order from abstract (orientation) to concrete (maneuverability),from macro to micro, and from long-term to short-term,and all these variations of planning are joined together according to the different planning features for categorization to form a new planning system of inland water transportation,and logical relationships among all branches of planning are explored.
Transportation Science & Technology