通过对研建内蒙古牧区旱灾预测GIS的分析,提出了以GeoMediaProfessionalGIS软件为工作平台,以中文WINDOWS98为软件运行环境,采用VisualBasic6 0为前台开发工具的系统方案,并对该系统的空间数据模型和系统功能等进行了分析和设计。通过该系统可以了解内蒙古牧区旱灾发生的规律,及时准确地掌握旱灾现状,正确分析旱灾发展趋势,为内蒙古牧区的防旱、抗旱提供基础信息和理论依据。
This paper puts forward a design model of drought prophecy system based on the workspace of Geo-Media Professional,running environment of Chinese Windows 98 and Visual Basic 60 program language by the analysis of research and formation of the drought GIS-based for pastoral area in Inner Mongolia.Besides,its special data models and the functions of the system are analyzed and desingned.We can master the regulation of drought,and know the status of drought rapidly and analysis the trend of drought correctly.It can provide basic information and theoretical foundation for the drought prevention and drought reduction with the system .
Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research