为解决 2 0 0 3年华东电网迎峰渡夏用电高峰实际情况 ,在现有输电线路的客观情况下 ,介绍了提高输电线路允许载流量计算值及提高允许载流电的两种方法 ,并对载流量后可能产生的 3个问题作了分析 ,最后经对华东电网有关 5 0 0 k V线路实际分析后 ,得出了将导线允许温度由 +70℃升高到
To solve the actual problem of power consumption peak of East China Electric Power Grid during 2003 summer, two methods of increasing allowable current carrying capacity of transmission line under current condition were introduced. The three problems possibly caused by the increased capacity were also analyzed. The increasing of allowable temperature of conductor from +70 to +80 has been proven feasible through analysis of related 500 kV transmission lines of East China Electric Power Grid.
East China Electric Power