根据解耦理论和神经网络的思想 ,针对强耦合多变量的球磨机制粉系统 ,提出了一种新的解耦方法——神经元解耦。介绍了由三神经元实现的解耦算法 ,并以此设计了新型的磨煤机控制系统。该系统不仅保证了磨煤机安全可靠运行 ,而且还降低了制粉电耗 ,取得明显的经济效益 。
According to the decoupling theory and neural network thought, a new kind of three neural decouple control system was put forward for the strongly multivariable coupling ball mill coal pulverizing system. The decoupling algorithm realized by three neurons was introduced, with which a new ball mill control system was designed. Not only the safe and reliable operation of the ball mill are guaranteed by the system, but the power consumed by coal pulverizing is also reduced. A remarkable economic profit has been achieved and the system is welcomed by consumers.
East China Electric Power