主要介绍了制备皮革加脂剂的过程。所做实验是以混合植物油为原料,经氧化、亚硫酸化反应制备皮革加脂剂的新工艺,使用油脂包括质量配比为30%~31%的动物油,其碘值在110~200之间。测定了氧化后油脂的碘值,以及反应后乳液的粒径,找出适宜的氧化温度为110℃,氧化时间为8 h,亚硫酸化时间为6 h,适宜的催化剂用量为原料的1.5%。将油样溶为10%的水溶液,乳化很好,在室温下,24 h内乳液保持稳定,经实验证明,这种产品浸透的皮革柔软、光亮、丰满,具有良好的加脂性能。
The article relates a process for the preparation of a fatliquoring agent based on ocysulfited oils of animal and vegetable origin. The oxysulfited reaction adopts material with a 30% to 31% animal oil strength by weight compositions, the fatty substances having iodine numbers of from 110 to 200; and determines iodine value and particle size . The suitable oxidization temprature is 110℃ ,the oxidization time is 8 h and sulfination time is 6 h. Sensible quantity of catalyst is 1. 5% of producer stock. The oxysulfited sample.preferably 10% by weight in water, shows a fine emulsion is formed which is stable over a period of at least one day at room temperature. The products penetrate leather well and impart a soft .light, but full feel. This agent has good f atliquoring properties.
Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology