
两结构高效阻尼控制体系试验研究 被引量:3

Experimental study of adjacent buildings linked by high efficient damping system
摘要 本文通过模拟地震动振动台试验,研究了两个相邻结构模型的地震响应,结构模型采用一种高效阻尼装置(High Efficient Damper For Multi-Structure System即HEDMS)连接。非线性时程分析与振动台试验结果都证明了该阻尼装置能高效发挥软钢阻尼器的耗能能力,从而显著减轻两结构模型的地震响应。同时,研究还指出了进行阻尼装置设计时应该注意的一些问题。 The seismic responses of two adjacent buildings linked by high efficient damper for multi - structure system (HEDMS) are investigated in this paper based on the shaking table tests. Experimental observations and analytical results confirmed that the HEDMS could effectively reduce the seismic responses of both sub - structures. And the investigation pointed out some problems on which emphases should be placed when the HEDMS are designed.
出处 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期160-169,共10页 Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Dynamics
基金 国家自然科学基金(50078003)
关键词 结构模型 高效阻尼装置 非线性时程分析 结构抗震 振动台试验 软钢阻尼器 耗能能力 triangular plate damper adjacent buildings shaking table test seismic response
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