从地区发展及区域政策 ,分析了目前中国区域政策中政策绩效差和市场失灵两难境地的主导因素 ,通过对人及其背后地域属性的二元相互关系分析 ,认为人作为活跃的经济要素 ,与地域的对应性应该弱化 ,提出今后区域政策的政策目标应该是引导人群间分配的相对公平 ,使各地区在生态、景观、文化上保持丰富性和多样性 ,而不是徒劳地将地区作为政策对象或片面强调缩小地区差距。
This paper focuses on the study of Chinese regional polices. Through the comparison between the expected goals and the practical results of regional polices, the author regards that many of regional polices can not realize their aims since the concept of region is too wide and general. The paper points out that the regional residents are less and less dependent on the certain region with development of economy and society. Based on this opinion, the paper explains the significance of this kind of change to regional policy making, and concludes that a regional policy should be made to justify the income distribution relatively fair between different interest groups by taking the regional residents as the key factor.The author puts forward that during regional policy making, the regional attribute of residents should be weakened gradually so as to meet the interest of the widest groups. The regional attributes of people include: (1) geographic environment aspect: place of birth and its climate, dialect; (2) social culture aspect: the race (or nationality), religion, cultural conventions and customs, human value; education; (3) Economical develop aspect: average GDP, industrial structure, convenient degree of foreign exchanges. Some of these factors may flow with people immigration, for instance, religion and dialect. Some have local attributes, like climate. Some may change along with people immigration such as education and industrial structure. The weakened human regional attribute have great significance for regional policy making in many aspects including: (1) changing from goals that over-emphasize equilibration of development into multi-goals so as to protect local eco-environment, landscape, and cultures; (2) adjusting regional policies that are unfair to most peoples; and (3) making cores of regional policies various in different regions. The paper then takes Jiangsu Province as an example to show the effect of existing regional policies to the regional gaps. By long-term of designated plan support, the degree of people satisfaction to the government is not increased with enhancement of the government investigation to the less developed regions. On the contrary, new discontent emerges due to the over-dependence to the government. It can be validated through experiences that there are almost no changes in economic gap between regions, but very large changes between different interest layers with changes of regional policies. Along with the globalization, the human-environment relation should be recognized again, for example, the immigration should be encouraged. Based on this idea, the relation between human and environment will be changed from one-dimension into two-dimension. It is noticed that the human immigration and movement make lower and lower dependence of people on the regional attributes.In general, human immigration is bi-directional: on one hand, people will move to cities due to the attractions of cities; on the other hand, people in cities and other developed regions will invest in the regions where labors and land price are relatively cheap. Therefore the emphasis of regional policy making should be put on people so as to adjust the income distribution between different layers and to protect the diversities of eco-environment, landscape and cultures in different regions, other than to blindly invest unsuitable projects in those backward regions.In the end, the paper proposes some suggestions on regional policy making: (1) immigration in-order; (2) promotion of urbanization; (3) transfer financial payment ; (4) abolishment of resident registration system.
Scientia Geographica Sinica