目的 了解私立学校中学生的吸烟状况 ,为加强青少年吸烟行为的干预措施提供依据。方法 以美国南加州大学提供的“青少年控烟项目调查问卷”为基础 ,对武汉市 8所私立学校 1 30 7名中学生进行问卷调查。以尝试吸烟率、吸过一整支烟的吸烟率、过去 30d吸烟率、吸过 1 0 0支烟吸烟率描述学生的吸烟行为。结果 中学生的初始吸烟年龄平均为 1 1 .2岁 ;尝试吸烟率为 54 .0 % ,吸过 1整支烟的比例为 2 2 .0 % ,过去 30d内吸烟率为 1 9.4 % ,吸烟 >1 0 0支的学生占 4 .4 % ;吸烟情况分析中 ,54 .1 %的学生是在好奇的情况下抽烟 ;吸烟来源中 ,46 .0 %的学生报告香烟是从朋友或同学那里得到的。结论 私立学校中学生的吸烟状况严重 。
Objective To understand the smoking prevalence of high school students in private schools and to provide a basis for developing adolescent smoking interventions. Methods Using the 'Survey on the smoking controlling program of teenagers' provided by University of Southern California, 1307 high school students were surveyed in 8 private schools in Wuhan City.Students smoking behavior was indicated with the prevalance of having attempted smoking,having smoked an eatire cigarette,having smoked in the past 30 days and having smoked more than 100 cigarettes respectivelyResults Among students surveyed, the average age of first experimentation with cigarette was 11.2 years old, 54% attempted smoking, 22% smoked an entire cigarette, 19.4% smoked in the past 30 days, and 4.4% had smoked,more than 100 cigarettes. Among smokers, 54.1% smoked out of curiosity, 46.0% reported that they got cigarettes mainly from their friends and classmates. Conclusions Smoking is considerably prevalent among students in private schools. It is of great urgency that early prevention, education and control of smoking behaviors be provided to those students.
Chinese Journal of School Health