对急停跳投用力过程中的技术结构、力学原理和心理现象进行深入研究 ,表明投篮技术的主动力是通过膝、踝、肩、肘等各关节的协调用力而完成的。因此在投篮者的大脑里必须先建立一个完整的技术动作概念 ,经过一段时间的训练 ,才能有利于正确理解、掌握投篮动作 ,从而提高投篮命中率。通过查阅了大量文献资料和观看各种不同类型的比赛得出 ,掌握了正确的急停跳投技术 ,在比赛中有效地利用 ,不仅能增加比赛的观赏性 ,而且还能在关键时刻创造一球定乾坤的奇迹。
From the further study of technical construction,mechanics theories and psychological phenomenon in the process of stopping and jumping shooting,we can know that the main strength of shooting is from the harmonious use of kneel,ankle,shoulder,elbow and so on.Therefore,athletes should firstly construct integrated technical action concept and make long-term training so as to master shooting actions ,and raise the percentage of hits.It has been demonstrated that mastering the techniques and putting them into games effectively can not only promote the viewing effects but also can create the miracle of winning by a narrow margin,which can often be seen in the NBA games.
Journal of Hubei Normal University(Natural Science)