
测试条件对啶虫脒毒土柱防白蚁效果的影响 被引量:6

Influences of Test Conditions on the Effects of Acetamiprid against Reticulitermes flaviceps (Oshima)
摘要 将预防性杀白蚁药剂施在土壤中形成毒土层是当前控制白蚁为害的主要方法之一。以黄胸散白蚁 Reticulitermes flavicep s为对象 ,啶虫脒为供试药剂 ,在室内进行毒土柱防白蚁效果测定。结果表明 ,供试白蚁数量和食物供应与否均对药效试验评价结果有较大影响 ,毒土柱长度对测试结果的影响与土壤中药剂浓度有关。当毒土柱长度达到 10 cm时 ,所测结果即可反应药剂对白蚁的阻杀效果。用毒土柱法测定预防药剂防白蚁的效果时 ,建议用 10 cm长的毒土柱 ,每个重复的白蚁数为工蚁 10 0头 。 One of key measures for preventing the invasion of termites is to apply termiticides in soil to form toxic soil layer at present. The toxic soil pillar is a main method for evaluating the effects of preventive termiticides against termites. Reticulitermes flaviceps and 20% acetamiprid SP were used in the study. The results indicated that the termite number and the food supply had significant influences on the evaluation of toxic soil pillar against Reticulitermes flaviceps, but the influence of the length of toxic soil pillar related to the concentration of acetamiprid in soil. When the length of toxic soil pillar reached 10 cm, the tested termites could not pass through the whole toxic soil pillar if the concentration of termiticide is effective to prevent the invasion of termites. In order to get the reliable data and save the time for the test, it is suggested that the length of soil pillar is 10 cm, the number of termites for every replicate is 100 termite workers, and a piece of wet filter paper is used as the food and water resource of tested termites.
出处 《农药学学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第2期53-58,共6页 Chinese Journal of Pesticide Science
基金 国家人事部留学回国人员科研启动基金 浙江大学留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目
关键词 黄胸散白蚁 啶虫脒 毒土柱 防治效果 影响因子 Reticulitermes flaviceps acetamiprid toxic soil pillar influence factor
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