讨论了计算机支持的协同工作 (CSCW)的主要技术 ,其中重点讨论了协同编著系统设计中的并发控制技术 ,指出了其与传统的并发控制技术的区别 .根据CSCW的基本原理设计出了一个基于Browse/Server结构的协同编著系统的系统模型 .该系统模型比传统的模型更加方便了用户之间通过Internet的浏览器进行协作 .
Cooperative editing is one typical application of computer supported cooperative work (CSCW), and it brings together people with different interests-software design,computer support for technical authoring,models of the collaborative writing process which explore the research problem and offer practical solutions. In designing cooperative editing system, because many users of different sites synchronously deal with the same part and it causes more complicated consistent problems,the concurrency control is more difficult than the traditional one. This paper puts forward a new concurrency control for the cooperative editing system. Furthermore,according to the main principles of CSCW,it builds up the cooperative editing system architectural model based on Browse/Server. Most traditional system are based on Client/Server,and this system structure has many disadvantages. Browse/Server is a new system structure,and it is more practical for Internet. So this system is much more convenient for uses to cooperative edit with the browse of Internet than the traditional one.
Journal of Wuhan University:Natural Science Edition
湖北省自然科学基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 1B0 5 7)