美国谋求单极世界霸权的企图已是一个不争的事实。它现在不仅拥有了实现这一野心的硬实力,而且似乎也具备了相应的软 实力。但如果据此认为美国真的能实现它的这一梦想那又未免过于主观。本文将重点探讨有哪些现实因素将阻碍美国实现其单极霸权,以 及为什么说美国的这一野心注定会失败。
The American attempt for her monopolistic hegemony has been a fact beyond controversy. She now not only has acquired sufficient hard power, but also the soft power. Nevertheless, if someone would accordingly assert that she could really realize her ambition, it would also be imprudent. For, there are still many obstacles that might baffle her. In this thesis, the author will probe into the factual ingredients that might encumber the sole superpower and answer the question why her ambition is doomed to fail.
Southeast Asian Studies