日本史学家浮田和民所著《史学通论》 ,是一部广征博引西方诸家之说 ,同时又有自己识断的、以进化史观为指导的较为系统的新史学理论著作。梁启超在《新史学》等专论中所阐述的基本史学理论 ,实际上主要是从浮田和民的《史学通论》中有选择地移植过来的。 2 0世纪初的梁启超在新史学的理论建设方面 ,基本上没有自己的创见 ,因此 ,将其视为中国新史学理论的奠基人或创立者 ,是不准确的。当然 ,梁氏的移植并非完全照搬照抄 ,而是有所归纳 ,并结合中国旧史弊病有所演绎 ,这就使其《新史学》等专论所宣传的新史学思想更条理、更易为中国学界所接受 ,并且有了针对性。正因为如此 ,梁氏在中国新史学发展史上 ,有着无人能够取代的地位。
An Introduction to History written by Kazumi Ukita,a Japanese historian,is a new book about historical theory.It is a relatively systematic book and instructed by evolutional historical view.Kazumi Ukita extensively cited theories of western scholars and also had his own conclusions.In fact,Liang Qichao's basic historical thoughts in The New History and other related books were mainly transplanted from An Introduction to History .He just selected parts of the book.In the early 20 th century,Liang Qichao basically had no original ideas of his own in the aspect of theory construction of new history.Therefore the view that regards Liang Qichao as the founder or organizer of Chinese new historical theories is inaccurate.Of course,Liang Qichao did not copy word by word from An Introduction to History .He concluded and developed the historical views in An Introduction to History ,and combined it with the existing disadvantages in ancient Chinese history.So his basic historical theories in The New History and other related books took on a more logical look and had its pertinence.Chinese intellectuals received it more easily.Thus,Liang Qichao played an important role in the development of Chinese new history.$$$$
Journal of Historical Science
Kazumi Ukita
An Introduction to History
Liang Qichao
The New History
new historical thoughts