本文用Van Loon’s碘比色法测定了老年(34只)及年轻(30只)大鼠的血清淀粉酶活性,结果表明,该酶活性老年组大鼠明显低于年轻对照组(P<0.01),提示老龄时糖降解减慢,故不宜摄入过量糖类食物。还讨论了老化时血清淀粉酶活性降低的机理。
The activity of serum amylase in elderly and younger rats was measured by Van Loon's method of iodine colorimetric analysis. The results showed that activity of serum amylase in elderly rats was much lower than younger rats (P<0. 01). It is suggested that carbohydrate degradation retards in ageing. Therefore, the aged is not suitable for excessive take --in car- bohydrate foods. Also the slowed mechanism for activity of seim amylase in the aged was discussed.