应用 K_2S_2O_8的强氧化能力,可在碱性条件下,将蛋白质的氨基氮转化为NO_3^-,NO_3^-在紫外光区202nm 处有一强吸收峰,利用该吸收峰,可以用紫外分光光度法测定溶液的 NO_3^-浓度,计算出化合物的总氮。应用蛋白质折算系数,可以求出蛋白质的含量。该法可用于药品及食品中的定氮分析,较凯氏定氮法有一定优点,即:操作简便、安全、省时。
Aminonitrogen in protein is transformed into NO_3^- using the powerful oxidization by K_2S_2O_8 under a basic condition.NO_3^-has a strong absorption peak a20 nm with which the NO_3^-level in the solution is dertermined and the total nitrogen content in the conpound calculated and the protein level obtained using the referring factor of protein,Our method canbe used as dertermination of nitrogen in drugs or food Wbich is superior toking's.