190 4年至 1 90 8年是日本文学家夏目漱石从事专业创作的前期。在此期间 ,他重视文学的伦理性 ,创作态度极为严肃 ,他发扬江户文学的“劝善惩恶”的传统 ,坚持文明批判和社会批判。《我是猫》、《哥儿》等一系列富于批判精神的优秀作品是前期代表作。他批判明治初年的所谓“文明开化” ,揭露明治时代黑暗的教育制度 ,把锋芒直指混合着封建主义和资本主义双重血液的明治社会。其创作风格迥异于风靡当时文坛的自然主义流派 ,形成了前期“愤怒的漱石”的形象。
The earlier period when Natsume,a Japanese writer,worked as a professional writer was from 1904 to 1980.During that period ,Natsume paid attention to the ethics of literature.He developed the literary tradition of encouraging the good and punishing the evil, and insisted on a civilized and social criticism.He wrote a series of good works full of critical spirit such as I'm a cat,The Lord.He criticized so-called 'civilization' in the earlier times of Meiji, exposed the nasty education system in that period and criticized directly the society of feudalism and capitalism.His writing style was different from naturalism which was popular at that time in literature,and an image of 'furious Natsume'formed in the earlier period.
Journal Of Tianjin Foreign Studies University