烧伤后骨外露包括:①骨质本身烧伤坏死;②骨质正常,但表层及周围软组织深度烧伤。该症治疗较为困难,往往是延长病人疗程的最后因素。1985年-1990年,我院对部分病例采取直接在扩创出血的骨质、骨髓上植入刃中厚皮片法消灭创面,疗效满意,兹以报告。 1 方法:骨创面游离植皮可与早期切削痂植皮术同时进行,亦可在周围软组织形成肉芽创面移植自体皮时进行。基本操作方法如下:①术前将骨外露处以消毒液(新洁尔灭、洗必泰)
This article reports 39 cases of exposed bone due to burn treated by free skin graft, in which 19 cases of them were in anterior tibial bone, 11 cases in ossa digitorum manus, 8 cases in skull and one case in olecranon. The size of skin graft were ranged from 2×2cm to 10× 5cm. The results were as follow: the survival rate of skin graft was 100% in 20 cases, 70% - 90% in 14 cases, no survival in 3 cases. Using this method, the duration of wound healing was between 9 -- 30 days after operation. And it was much shorter than free graft on granulation wound (25--45 days).