经验的研究方法和规范的研究方法是法学研究中比较有特色并且重要的方法论。形式主义、理念主义和现实主义是另一组法学研究方法。把它们应用在法治研究中 ,有助于我们厘清法治概念的含义。法治概念具有双重性 :它既是一个描述性概念 ,也是一个规范性概念。从法治理想在中国的历史发展、中国进行法治建设的主要目的以及对通行的学术话语所反映出的国民共识看 ,当代中国正在努力建设的是一种实质意义或实质主义的法治。
Empirical study is focused on the description of research object or the question of 'to be', normative study is focused on the justification of the research object or the question of 'ought to be'. They are the typical and important methodology of legal study. Formalism, idealism and realism are another group of methodology of law. The application of those methodologies is helpful to make clear of the meaning of the rule of law. The concept of the rule of law is both descriptive concept and normative concept. According to the historical development of the ideal of the rule of law in China, the major purposes of the rule of law and the consensus of Chinese people that the current discourse have reflected, it is the substantive rule of law that China is doing her best to build up.
Journal of Renmin University of China