东北易帜是北洋中央政权覆灭的产物 ,也是蒋介石、张学良本着国家统一方针 ,经过长达 6个月的和平谈判 ,最后由蒋介石作出全面让步的结果。所谓东北易帜经历京津易帜、热河易帜、滦东易帜、东三省易帜“四个步骤” ,仅是研究者的主观臆想 ,与历史实际相去甚远。张学良多次推迟易帜 ,固然有日本干涉的外来因素 ,但不容否认也有其借此“巩固个人地盘与权利”的主观意愿。张学良是东北易帜的最大赢家。
The change of banner by the Northeast authorities was a result of the collapse of the Northern central regime as well as a product of an all round concession from Jiang Jieshi at the end of his six month negotiations with Zhang Xueliang over national unity. The so called “four step process” of the change of banner that some scholars propose (in Beijing and Tianjin; in the former Rehe (Jehol) province; to the east of the Luanhe River; and in three Northeast provinces) is subjective, groundless, and quite unhistorical. No doubt Zhangs prevarication over changing his banner was in part caused by Japanese intervention, but it was undoubtedly partly due to his desire to maximize his power and consolidate his sphere of influence. He was the biggest winner in the game.
Historical Research