我国计划经济时期政府制定的粮食统购统销价格是国家垄断价格 ,其中统购价格是买方垄断价格 ,统销价格是卖方垄断价格。经济学原理说明 ,买方垄断价格总是侵害卖方 (农民 )的利益 ,而卖方垄断价格并不一定能使垄断组织 (粮食经营部门 )获利。这是在计划经济时期农民的生产积极性和粮食部门的经营积极性都不高的根本原因。
The government-formulated price for grain purchasing and marketing during the Planned Economy Period is state monopoly price, of which the purchasing price is buyer-monopoly price and the marketing price, seller's monopoly price. Economic principles show that the buyer-monopoly price always make inroads on sellers (farmers)' interest, nor can the seller's price benefit the monopoly institution (food management), which accounts for the low levels of enthusiasm on the parts of both farmers and food management in the Planned Economy Period.
Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)