文章从修身、齐家、处世、治国几个方面 ,将中国传统美德的主要内容梳理为 2 0种精神 ,并作了简明扼要的分析研究。作者认为这 2 0种精神实质上是我们中华民族的高尚的民族精神。《公民道德建设纲要》中提出的“爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献”2 0字基本道德规范 ,以及社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德 6 0字具体规范 。
From the angles of cultivating one's moral character, managing the family's affairs well, dealing with the world and managing the state affairs well, this paper boils down the main contents of traditional Chinese virtues to 20 kinds of spirits and makes a concise analysis and study of them. The writer describes them as the noble national spirit of the Chinese people. As stipulated in Essentials of the Improvement of Civic Moral Standards, the 20-character fundamental moral standards embodying the spirit of patriotism and law-observing conception, of sensibility and sincerity, of solidarity and amiability, of industry and self-improvement and of work-respecting and dedication, together with the 60-character specific moral standards embodying social morals, professional ethics and family virtues, is the inheritance and development of fine traditional Chinese virtues from ancient times and Chinese revolutionary morals.
Journal of Shaoyang University:Social Science Edition