《明史》纂修官深受顾炎武、黄宗羲影响 ,重视史学经世致用和核实求真 ,折射出清初崇实黜虚的学术风气 ;在探讨史家秉笔直书原则时 ,强调史家“是非之心”对史著真实性的影响 ,显示出心性之学对史书修撰的影响 ;在史书体例上 ,提出“本乎时宜 ,因时变通”的观点 ,重视纪传体史书内部的协调与贯通 ;在史料采择上 ,要求本之实录 ,参乎野记 ,重视从史家人品心术角度评判史料价值 ,丰富了传统史学的“心术”论 ;史家还重视专家之书 。
The historiographic reviews from compiling MINGSHI reflect many characteristics and the trend of historiographic development in Qing dynasty.Under influence of the thoughts of Huang zongxi and Gu yanwu,compilers of MINGSHI pay more attention to social utility and historical facts.It reflects the academic atmosphere of seeking concrete facts and abandoning empty concepts.Compilers discuss the influence of self\|cultivation to historical editing which shows the influence of “Mind\|humanity Theory” in historical compilation.They suggest to change historiographic style to suit new historical conditions and advocates the historical data mainly collected from SHILU as well as unofficial histories.Judging value of data relies on good or evil intentions of historian.Compilers criticize to compile history by governmental setting institution.The reviews for compiling MINGSHI show critical spirit,but be suppressed by government and be marked brands of governmental ideas.
Journal of Historiography