

The Preventing Effect of the Chemotherapy Via Port Vein Infussion on Liver Metastasis in the patients with Large Bowl Cancer
摘要 目的 探讨 5 FU门静脉插管化疗在预防DukesB、C期大肠癌肝转移中的作用。方法  :随机双盲对照的DukesB、C期大肠癌患者 80例 ,其中根治性切除加门静脉化疗 (治疗组 ) 4 0例 ,单纯根治性切除术 (对照组 ) 4 0例 ,每年进行随访。结果 治疗组 3年肝转移发生率 8.5 % ,明显低于对照组 30 .8% ;治疗组术后 1年、3年、5年生存率分别为 97.2 %、81.3%、74 .8% ;对照组为 97.3%、6 1.3%、5 5 .2 % ;术后 3年、5年生存率有显著差异。治疗组术后并发症为 7/ 4 0 (17.5 % ) ,对照组为 5 / 4 0 (12 .5 % ) ,无统计学差异。结论 对大肠癌患者进行门静脉化疗安全、操作简单 ,可有效地降低肝转移发生率 。 Objective To investigate the effect of the chemotherapy by port vein infusion(PVI) on preventing the patients with large bowl cancer of the stage Dukes B and Dukes C from liver metastasis.Methods After radical resection,80 patients with large bowl cancer were randomly divided into 2 groups.The study group received 5 Fu(1.0 g/d, continuing 7 d) chemotherapy by PVI( n =40),The control group did not receive any chemotherapy( n =40).All patients were followed up.Results The rate of liver metastasis in the study group (8.5%)was lower than that in control group (30.8%);The rates of 3 and 5 year survial in the study group were higher than in control group.The complication had no difference between the two groups.Conclusion 5 Fu chemotherapy by PVI after radical resection in the patients with large bowl cancer may decrease the metastases rate and raise the 3 and 5 year survial rate.This method is safe and simple.
出处 《江西医学院学报》 2003年第3期33-35,共3页 Acta Academiae Medicinae Jiangxi
关键词 大肠癌 药物疗法 门静脉辅助化疗 large bowl cancer chemotherap port vein infussion
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