

Teaching Planning Methods: An Assessment of Emerging Trends
摘要 近几年《规划教育研究》杂志刊登了若干篇关于方法教育的文章,在亚特兰大召开的“2000年规划院校联合会(ACSP)的大会上,再次就方法教育举行了圆桌会议。本文简要说明了关于方法教育争论上的一些变化,分析了目前方法课的一些案例。文章表明方法教育的内涵在拓宽,以定量研究为核心,尽管在方法课的正规教育中反映的似乎并不均衡。 Over the years JPER has published severalpieces on methods and instruction. At the 2000ACSP, also in Atlanta, a roundtable on methods wasonce again convened. This paper provides somecommentaries on the shifting debate on methods,reports on discussion in the pre-conference periodand at the roundtable, and provides an analysis of sample of current methods course offerings. Itsuggestes that a move towards broadening theconnotation of methods from a quantitative andresearch oriented core has taken place, though thisappears to be unevenly reflected in formal instructionin methods courses.
出处 《国外城市规划》 2003年第3期17-21,共5页 Urban Planning Overseas
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