本研究的目的是制造仙人掌汁乳酸发酵饮料 ,主要侧重于仙人掌苦涩味脱除 ,发酵原液的配制 ,菌种配比的选择等方面进行探讨 ,以摸索出最佳工艺条件 ,生产出具有仙人掌汁独特风味的乳酸发酵饮料。
Studied one processing method of lactic acid fermentation of opuntia juice beverage in the paper.In the experiment ,we found the method of distracting bitter astringent sapor ,the preparation of raw fermental juice and the proportion of different bacterium and produced the brcerage and it also had some special fragrance produced by opuntia juice and acid fermentation as well.
Guangxi Journal of Light Industry