随着教育改革的不断深化 ,高校校园体育文化的主要功能应包括教育导向、娱乐怡情、强身健体和培养广大师生的终生体育意识等几个方面。竞争、特色和与时俱进成为新形势下校园体育文化建设的主要原则 ,而体育意识的培养、校园体育文化的物质文化和制度建设 。
With the deepening of educational reform, the main functions of campus sports culture in colleges and universities should include the following aspects, namely, educational directing, entertainment, body building and the cultivation of teachers and students life long sports awareness. The main principles which the construction of campus sports culture should follow are advocating competition, creating characteristics and advancing with the times. The cultivation of sports awareness, the construction of material culture and system and the development of colorful sports activities form the main frame of campus sports culture construction.
Journal of Yangzhou University(Higher Education Study Edition)