
无线网络化微传感器及其嵌入式系统(英文) 被引量:4

Wireless networked microsensor and its embedding system
摘要 首先对无线传感网络作了分类 ,描述了无线网络化微传感器的体系结构 ,提出了两种蓝牙无线网络化传感器的体系结构 ,其主要特征是蓝牙、RF -MEMS天线及嵌入式系统。然后 ,讨论了无线网络化微传感器的技术要求与关键技术 ,包括自适应跳频与自配置蓝牙组网等新思想 ;研究重点在于无线通信的稳定性与可靠性、无线组网方案及实时互联网连接。为实现环境监测并通过无线网络通信传递测量值 ,可设计无线网络化微传感器嵌入式系统 ;选用了适当型号的嵌入式处理器和uClinux操作系统 ,设计了系统软件、低层驱动程序、调度程序及蓝牙高层协议程序。最后 。 The classification and architectures of wireless networked microsensors, and the architectures of two wireless microsensors with Bluetooth, RF MEMS antenna and embedding system in partucular, are discussed in detail. The technical requirements for wireless networked microsensors and associated key techniques, including adaptive brequency hopped spread spectrum and self configuration Bluetooth networking, are discussed with emphasis on stability and reliability of wireless communication and wireless networking schemes including real time connectivity to internet. A wireless networked microsensor can be designed with an embedding system to achieve environmental monitoring and transfer of measurements through wireless network communication. Low level drivers, schedulers and Bluetooth high level protocols can be designed by selecting appropriate 32 bits embedded processor and clinus operating system. The whole design and operating process of a wireless netwokred microsensor and its embedding system are illustrated with a wireless remote image surveillance system used as typical example.
出处 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 2003年第3期227-233,共7页 Optics and Precision Engineering
基金 ItissupportedbytheMajorStateBasicResearchDevelopmentProgram"IntegratedMicroOpticalElectronicMechanicalSystem"(ProjectNo.G19990 3310 5 )
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