对中国国标GB T 135 84与GB T 174 4 4关于红外探测器和红外焦平面阵列探测器噪声和相关性能参量定义方法提出了异议和见解。在国标中关于噪声的定义没有说明背景辐亮度和信号辐照度水平 ,因此容易导致关于噪声和相关参量的模糊观念。当信号很强时 ,光子噪声占主导地位 ,信噪比 (SNR)与信号水平不成正比 ,此时由信噪比导出噪声等效功率 (NEP)和D 时应格外小心。当信号很弱时 ,可以忽略光子噪声 ,由信噪比导出NEP和D
Different opinions are presented on the definition of noise and associated performance parameters for infrared detectors and infrared focal plane array detectors in Chinese National Standards GB/T 13584 and GB/T 17444. Without background radiance and signal irradiance level given, the definition of noise in the Chinese National standard can easily lead to fuzzy conceptions of noise and associated performance parameters. When the signal is very strong, the photon noise predominates, signal to noise ratio is not directly proportional to signal level, and care must be exercised in deriving NEP and D * from signal to noise ratio. When the signal is weak, and the photon noise can be ignored, it is very simple to derive NEP and D from signal to noise ratio.
Optics and Precision Engineering