敏捷后勤系统一个由若干个制造商、若干个军用仓库和若干个作战部队存货点组成的网状物流链。本文介绍了作者新近开发的敏捷后勤仿真系统 ,它能够在给定需求计划和初始库存的情况下 ,模拟敏捷后勤系统的运行过程。文章给出了敏捷后勤系统的结构 ;提出了基于时间步进的事件调度法仿真策略 ;介绍了如何用实体流图法设计敏捷后勤系统的仿真模型 ,包括总控程序和各实体的事件例程 ;阐述了敏捷后勤系统仿真程序设计与实现过程 ,包括仿真时钟设置、仿真参数设置、仿真运行和仿真结果显示。
Agile Logistics (AL) is a netlike logistic chain consisting of suppliers, warehouses and troop inventories. This paper introduces ALSim- a simulation tool newly developed for AL simulation which can simulate AL operations when demand plans and initial states of each entity are given. After giving the structure of AL, it proposes a new simulation policy TAE-ES based on Event Scheduling for ALSim. Then it takes the advantage of Entity Flow Diagram to design the AL simulation model, which is made up of general control procedure and the event processes of each entity along the AL. Finally simulation programs design and implementation of ALSim are described, including simulation time setting, simulation parameters setting, simulation running and simulation results display.
Computer Simulation