对木薯酒糟在旋转闪蒸干燥器中的基本干燥特性进行了实验研究。结果表明该物料干燥后的含水质量分数与干燥介质温度呈直线关系 ,与干燥时间呈指数曲线关系 ,这一特性与其薄层干燥过程相似。
The cassava lees is the by product in the process of alcohol production by utilizing cassava. Its major components are water and organic compounds. If the lees was abandoned, it could cause environmental pollution and waste. Drying is the key to use the lees economically and reasonably. It is analyzed for the basic drying characteristics of the cassava lees in a spin flash drying. The results show that the material moisture after drying appears line relation with the drying medium temperature , and exponent curve relation with drying time. This characteristic is resemble with one in thin layer drying. Hence some theories on thin layer drying can be used to explain this process. Some research results also provide the bases for its industrialized drying.
Chemical Engineering(China)