矿物元素与家畜健康和生产性能密切相关 ,缺乏一种或数种对家畜健康与生产性能即产生明显的影响。新疆矿物元素分布广泛 ,但具有明显的不平衡性和区域性。可采取土壤施肥、植物叶面喷洒、动物口服、注射及最简单有效地舔食砖(块 )自由舔食的办法来解决反刍家畜矿物元素营养缺乏问题。
Mineral lements are relate osculatly to the health and productive capabilityes of Animals.One or more is short of mineral lements produces obvious effects for the health and productive capabilityes of animals. The ways to resolve the support absences of ruminate animals are soil fertilization,insufflation to leaf of plant,to take orally or to inject for animals,and these animals lap freely the block to contain those elements.
Grass-Feeding Livestock