Applied mineralogy of smectite is a new branch of modern clay science,and also a cross science which studies the clay application and the technology,theory and methodology related to clay on the basis of absorbing the knowledge of physical chemistry, colloid chemistry,etc.It mainly involves the study of the structnre and properties of clay minerals,clay geology,clay engineering and technology,clay industrial utilization,clay and petroleum science,clay and agriculture,clay and life science.The study of the crystallo-chemical and structural chemical properties of smectite is the basis of the applied mineralogy.The paper gives a brief review on the water system of smectite,organic com- pound of smectite,crosslinking smectite,acid treatment of smectite,fast-ion conductor of smectite.On this basis,the author has pat forword six key subjects for future studies such as composition and structure of smectite,diagenesis and petroleum generation,synthesis of smec(?)e,ion exchange and nuclear waste treatment,colloid chemistry of serial smectite, adsorption dynamic propertics and development of products.