详述了果蔬汁饮料无菌处理和包装的技术关键。设备预杀菌、科学制定食品无菌处理工艺规程、包装材料或容器杀菌、无菌性的获得和保持、关键控制点的设立和监控。尤其详细介绍了科学制定食品无菌处理工艺规程的计算方法 ,以及关键控制点的监控和记录要求。还指出了目前我国无菌处理和包装存在的问题和解决方法。
The key technology for the aseptic processing and packaging of fruit and vegetable juice drinks are introduced in detail, including the pre sterilization of equipment, the establishment of aseptic processing schedules, the sterilization of packaging materials or containers, the obtainment and maintenance of sterility, and the set up and monitoring of critical control points A calculation method for the establishment of aseptic processing schedules and specific requirements for the monitoring and recording of critical control points are emphasized In addition, some problems in the field in China are pointed out and the solutions to them suggested
Beverage Industry