目的 探讨用Diafiopm-30超滤膜提取猪血超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的可行性。方法 采用不同孔径的超滤膜和热变性纯化猪血。结果 该法不仅大大简化了工艺过程,而且改善了劳动防护条件,产品质量和回收率都比旧工艺有较大提高,有利于放大SOD生产规模。结论 采用Diafiopm-30超滤膜从猪血中纯化SOD是可行的。
Objective To study the feasibility on purifying SOD from pig blood with Diafiopm-30 Gradocol membranes. Methods Used gradocol membranes in different aperture to purify the blood. Results The method not only simplify process greatly but also improve the condition of labor protection,product quality and recovery are greatly improved compaired with the old technology. It is helpful to enlarge SOD scale of production. Conclusion It is proved that the method is feasible.
Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine