
铁线蕨根茎醇提取物对耐利福平结核杆菌的影响 被引量:8

Effects of the Alcohol Extracts from Rhizoma Adiantum Capillus-veneris on Rifampicin-resistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis Cells
摘要 研究中草药铁线蕨根茎的醇提取物(ACVE)对耐利福平结核杆菌(RRP-TB)细胞的抑制活性。铁线蕨饮片经粉碎、浸提、超速离心、减压浓缩、冷冻干燥得ACVE。RRP-TB细胞经ACVE处理不同时间后,以MTT法测ACVE对RRP-TB细胞代谢活性的影响,以细胞记数法观察ACVE对RRP-TB细胞增殖的影响。(1) 用RRP-TB经ACVE处理1 wk和2 wk后,A592光吸收分别降为对照组的9.64%和1.45%;(2)处理3 wk和5 wk时,RRP-TB细胞数降到对照组的25.65和15.2 %;(3)经ACVE处理1 wk后,在更换为正常培养基进行恢复培养过程中,RRP-TB细胞数呈现缓慢增长。结论:ACVE能降低RRP-TB细胞的代谢活性,抑制其增殖。 Objective:To demonstrate the effects of the extracts with alcohol from Adiantum capillus-veneris L. on the proliferation and metabolism of human Rifampicin-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis (RRP-TB) cells. Methods:The prepared herb medicine in small pieces ready for decoction of Rhizome from A. capillus-veneris was comminuted, immersed with alcohol of 60% and treated with a ultra-centrifugal. The solution was concentrated under decompress, desiccated under refrigeration to get the extracts. After the test of dose dependent experiment, human RRP-TB cells were treated with A. capillus-veneris extracts (ACVE) at dose of 400μg/ml for 1 week and the metabolism activity was detected by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) method. The experiments of effects of ACVE on the proliferation were performed with the treatments of ACVE at dose of 400μg/ml for 1 week and the proliferation of human RRP-TB cells were also examined after treated with ACVE for 1 week and then replaced by cultured in normal media for 3 weeks. Result: (1) ACVE could significantly decrease the activity of the metabolism in the RRP-TB, and the A592 absorption in the treatment group was only 9.64% of that in control group after 4 weeks treatment and 1.45 % after 2 weeks treatment. (2) The human RRP-TB cell number in the treatment group was much lower than that in control groups during the groups treated for 1 week. (3) Had been treated for 1 week then cultured in normal media for 3 weeks, the human RRP-TB cells slowly increased in number. Conclusion: ACVE could effectively inhibit the proliferation and metabolism activity of human RRP-TB cells.
出处 《武汉纺织工学院学报》 2003年第3期79-83,共5页
关键词 中草药 铁线蕨 根茎 醇提取物 耐利福平结核杆菌 培养基 增殖 结核病 抑制活性 adiantum capillus-veneris Pulmonary tuberculosis Chinese traditional and herbal medicine
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