
DNA切除修复标志物在肺癌、食管癌组织中的表达 被引量:2

Study on the Expression of DNA Excision Repair Biomarkers In Lung And Esophageal Cancer Tissues
摘要 [目的 ]研究切除修复中切除修复鼠缺陷交叉互补基因 2 (ERCC2 )蛋白、尿嘧啶DNA糖基化酶 (UDG)、细胞增殖核抗原 (PCNA)在肺癌和食管癌组织中的表达水平差异。 [方法 ]通过免疫组织化学和原位杂交方法研究三种生物标志物在不同部位的肿瘤组织和非肿瘤组织之间的表达水平进行比较。 [结果 ]ERCC2蛋白和mRNA、UDG蛋白在肺和食管良性病变中的表达水平均明显高于其癌和癌周组织。UDGmRNA水平在食管良性病变组织中明显高于癌和癌周组织 ,在肺良性病变、癌和癌周组织中无显著差异。PCNA蛋白和mRNA在肺和食管癌和癌周组织中的表达水平均明显高于良性病变组织。三种标志物蛋白和mRNA表达水平在癌组织和癌周正常组织之间均无明显差异。 [结论 ]ERCC2、UDG表达水平在良性病变组织中明显高于肿瘤组织、PCNA表达水平在肿瘤组织中明显高于良性病变组织。 Objective] To study the expression level of ERCC2, UDG, PCNA in different lung and esophageal tissues. [Methods] The protein and mRNA levels of ERCC2,UDG,PCNA expression were detected using immunohistochemistry method and in situ hybridization in 61 cases of lung cancer,18 cases of benign pathological lung tissues,61 case of esophageal cancer and 19 cases of benign pathological esophageal tissues. [Results] In lung tissues,ERCC2 protein and mRNA levels were higher in benign tissues than those in cancer and cancer adjacent normal tissues;UDG protein was also higher in benign tissues than that in cancer and cancer adjacent normal tissues,but UDG mRNA levels were almost the same in benign and cancer tissues,PCNA protein and mRNA levels were significantly lower in benign tissues than those in cancer and cancer adjacent tissues. In esophageal tissues,ERCC2 and UDG protein and mRNA were higher in benign tissues than those in cancer and cancer adjacent normal tissues;PCNA protein and mRNA levels were significantly lower in benign pathological tissues than those in cancer and cancer adjacent tissues. ERCC2,UDG,PCNA protein and mRNA levels were not significantly different between cancer and cancer adjacent normal tissues. [Conclusion] ERCC2 and UDG had significantly high expression in normal tissues than in cancer tissues,however,PCNA had significantly high expression in cancer tissue than in normal tissue.
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第3期145-147,共3页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
基金 国家自然科学资金重大项目 (编号 :39990 570 )
关键词 DNA损伤 切除修复 肺癌 食管癌 生物标志物 尿嘧啶DNA糖基化酶 细胞增殖核抗原 excision repair biomarkers lung cancer esophageal cancer
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