通过多年的育苗造林 ,初步探索出适用于云南热带、南亚热带采用的肉桂育苗、造林技术。采种母树可选择 7年以上生长健壮、无病虫危害的植株 ,种子按 1 1的湿沙拌匀混合贮藏 ,采用袋苗培育 ,Ⅰ、Ⅱ级合格苗上山造林 ,密度可根据培育方向选用 1m× 1m、 1m× 2m的株行距 ,时间在雨季 6~ 7月最佳。
The seedling raising and afforestation technology of Cinnamomum cassia suitable for tropics and sub tropics of Yunnan province were explored through practice of seedling raising and afforestation for years. Selecting seven years old health and vigorous plant as the mother tree for seed collection. Storing the seeds by mixing with moist sand in the proportion of 1∶1. Afforesting with the container seedling of class I and II. The suggested planting density was 1 m ×1 m and 1 m×2 m, the proper planting time was June to July.
Yunnan Forestry Science and Technology