Purpose: To investigate the feasibility, applicability and contraindication of bronchial artery embolization in treatment of lung disease. Marterial and Methods: Bronchial artery embolization was performed in 61 patients (pulmonary carcinoma 32 cases; hemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis 21 cases hemoptysis of bronchiectasis 6 cases, bronchial arteriovenous malfomation 2 cases) . The hemostatic agents included ethanol in 28 cases, Geifoam in 26 cases, ethanol plus Geifoam pellet in 7 cases. Results: The super-selective intrabronchialarterial intervention was performed in 38 cases, and succees rate of superselective intervention was 100% . Affer bronchial artery embolization with lung cancer, effective rate was 87.5% . Hemoptysis was controlled completed in 26 patients (effective rate was 92%) . Conclusion: Embolization of bronchial artery is effective method and embolization of bronchial artery must be enforced for controlling refractory or massive hemoptysis. It is a contraindication of bronchial artery embolization to appear spinal cord artery.
Modern Medical Imageology