通过对第三次中国男性飞行员人体尺寸测量资料的分析 ,全面了解这次大样本测量对象有关年龄、民族、出生地、飞行机种等资料的特点。分析结果显示 :随年龄的增长有变胖的趋势 ;汉族占测量总人数的98.8% ,少数民族只占 1 .2 % ;出生地分布在 2 9个省、直辖市、自治区 ;测量数据按飞行机种分类 ,可分为歼击机和强击机、轰炸机和直升机。
With data analysis of third anthropometry for Chinese male pilots,we can understand features of age,nationality,birthplaces and aircraft type of measurement objects.Data analysis results:There are obesity trend with age increasing.Han nationality is 98.8 percent and minority nationdlity 1.2 percent.Birthplaces were distributed in 29 provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government and autonomous regions.According to aircraft type,the data was divided into three groups:fighters and attackers,bombers and helicopters as well as transportplanes.
Chinese Journal of Ergonomics