医疗废物含有有害物质 ,或有致病细菌 ,如果处理、处置不当 ,会造成很大危害 ,直接威胁人们的身心健康 ,因此加强对医疗废弃物的管理已成为当务之急。本文针对锦州市医疗废物管理及处理处置现状及存在问题 ,从法律法规、监管体系、处理处置方法、投资与运行模式等多方面提出了对策。
Medicale waste have many harmful substance and many pathogenic ,if not been handed properly,They may make endanger ,and threaten the physically and mentally healthy of people indirectely .So,strengthen the managent of medical waste is very urgent. This article putforward the countermore against the present and problems of management and disposal of medicale waste in Jinzhou, from laws and regulation .control system disposale methods and invest.
Journal of Jinzhou Normal College (Natural Science Edition)