研究了一类非线性不确定时滞系统的可靠控制设计问题。所研究的系统中含有状态时滞 ,参数不确定性和非线性扰动。假定非线性项满足有界性条件 ,参数不确定性可以是时变的。本文的目的是基于系统传感器与执行器同时出现失误的情况 ,对系统进行可靠性设计 ,使得所设计的系统不仅在系统运行良好的条件下 ,而且在出现多种失误的条件下仍然能正常运行。基于Riccati不等式正定解的存在性 ,给出了基于观测器的动态输出反馈可靠控制器的设计方案。最后 ,以一个数值仿真例子进一步说明设计步骤 ,以及文中所提出的设计方法的有效性。
This paper focuses on the reliable control for a class of nonlinear uncertain state delay systems. The system under consideration involves state delay, parameter uncertainties and nonlinear disturbances. The nonlinear terms are assumed to satisfy the bounded condition, and the parameter uncertainties may be time-varying unstructured. The purpose of this paper is to design an reliable controller such that the closed- loop system remains asymptotically stable for all admissible uncertainties independently of the time delay, not only when the system is operating properly, but also when there exist a simultaneous presence of actuator and sensor failures. An effective, modified algebraic Riccati matrix inequality approach is developed to solve the problem addressed. Finally, a numerical example is given to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the design approach proposed in this paper.
Journal of Jinzhou Normal College (Natural Science Edition)