运用数理统计学原理对河西走廊地区玉米生态气候适应性进行了定量分析。积分回归分析表明 ,影响玉米产量的主要气象要素是玉米抽雄、吐丝期平均气温、灌浆期≥ 10℃积温和灌浆期日平均气温。抽雄、吐丝期适宜气温指标为 2 1~ 2 3℃ ,以 2 2℃穗粒数增加最多 ,生物学下限温度为 18℃。灌浆期气温在 18~ 2 0℃时 ,千粒重较高 ,为 2 4 6~ 2 91g。在适宜温度范围内≥ 10℃积温每增减 10 0℃·d ,千粒重增减 16 .5 g。用上述 3个因子通过模糊聚类方法将河西地区划分为 5个玉米适生种植气候区。
The ecological and climatic conditions for maize planting in the Hexi Corridor were analyzed by integral regress analysis. It showed that the main meteorological factors influenced the yield of maize were the average temperature during silk advancing and spinning period, and the ≥10℃ accumulated temperature during grain filling period. The suitable temperature for the growth of maize during silk advancing and spinning period was between 21℃ and 23℃, and the minimum biological temperature was 18℃. The grain number per ear increased rapidly by 22℃. When the temperature was between 18℃ and 20℃ during grain filling period, the one hundred grain weight reached at a high level by 24.6-29.1g. The one hundred grain weight will increase or decline by 1.65g, if the ≥10℃ accumulated temperature increases or declines by 100℃ per day within the suitable temperature range. The five zones for maize planting were divided with fuzzy clustering method according to the three mentioned above factors.
Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology