文章描述了 4代军用卫星反射镜用材料的研究发展历程 ,重点介绍了以SiC及其复合材料为标志的第三、四代反射镜的特点和优点、SiC反射镜及其复合材料反射镜的制备工艺、世界各发达国家关于SiC反射镜的应用 ,最后 ,对国内研究进展及今后需要进一步解决的问题提出了几点看法。
Four-generation optics materials were discussed in this article, especially, the merits as well as preparation processes of the third-generation optics materials of SiC and the fourth-generation optics materials of SiC matrix composites were described detailedly Also, the research and application of SiC optics in the developed countries were introduced At last, the development of SiC optics in China was reviewed
Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing