[目的]掌握出国移民这一特殊人群中艾滋病的流行情况。[方法] 在2000年1~6月份,对到江门局进行出国移民前健康体检者作艾滋病监测。[结果] 检出HIV感染者3例。[结论]全社会应共同参与控制艾滋病;预防艾滋病重在宣传教育;应加强对出入境人员监测的力度;配合地方防疫部门作好HIV感染者的管理工作。
This article reports that the hygiene and health center for international travellers of jiangmen entry - exit inspection and quarantine bureau detected three HIV - 1 carriers in the physical examination monitoring the infectious diseases of the applicants for emigrating to the united states prior to the issue of visas, and carried out an epidemiological survey and treatments as well. It ponits out that tightening up the monitoring management of entrya and extpersonnel, intensi-fying the propaganda and educational work on preventing AIDS and furthering the management of HIV carriers are of great significance in controling the spreading of AIDS.
Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine