本文介绍某70m高(14层)邮电通信枢纽楼悬臂箱基(置于中砂层地基)的原体工程测试结果。实测表明:悬臂端纵向平均基底反力小于悬臂根部之值而大于箱基中部的纵向平均基底反力,基底反力曲线呈马鞍形,基底反力集度较文献[1]的第四纪粘性土小,反力曲线更趋平缓均匀;悬臂箱基的钢筋应力很小(-13.8~15.2MPa);悬臂箱基-框架体系的中和轴亦有上移现象。 本文还对砂垫层的作用提出了新的看法。
This paper introduces the measured results of subgrade reactions of a cantilever box foundation rested on medium sand soil and supporting a fourteen storeyed Posts and Telecommunications Centre Building. The measurement shows that the values of longitudinal subgrade reactions at the free ends of cantilever are less than those at the fixed ends, but a little bit more than the average longitudinal reactions of the middle parts. The subgrade reaction curve has therefore the shape of a saddle. The range of reactions is less than that by the quaternary period soil in ref .[1] as the reaction curve tends to be more even. The stresses of reinforcement of the cantilever box foundation are rather small ( -13.8-15.2MPa) and the neutral axis of the cantilever box foundation and frame-shear wall system has the phenomenon of moving upward.This paper also presents some new opinions on the use of sand cushion.
Journal of Building Structures