稠油蒸汽发生器是稠油开发中最为关键的基础设备 ,其运行状况的好坏直接关系到油田的正常生产和开发效果 ,为了保证蒸汽发生器的可靠 ,安全运行 ,为开发稠油多提供蒸汽 ,提供好汽 ,减少石油开发成本 ,节约资金 ,提高经济效益 ,有必要对蒸汽发生器进行失效致命度分析。考虑到失效模式的发生频度、严重程度、不易测度存在着很大的模糊性 ,很难用一个确定的分值来表示 ,为此 。
Steam producing implement is the most important basal equipment for dense oil exploitation Its running state directly affects the normal work of the oil field and the oil production In order to guarantee working safely and reliably, to provide better vapor for dense oil exploitation, to reduce exploitation coat,it is necessary to do failure criticality analysis about it For the fuzzy character of the failure frequency and failure degree and inspection,it is difficult to express it with a determined number So,the failure criticality analysis based on fuzzy synthetical judgment is applied in this paper
Journal of Shijiazhuang Railway Institute