
戴瑞克·德科柯夫媒介文化观述略 被引量:1

A Brief Analysis of Derrick De Kerckhove' s Theory of Media Culture
摘要 众所周知,电子媒介的出现是人类文化传播史上一次空前的革命,它不仅极大地改变了文化传播的方式和文化自身的形态,而且还改变了生存于其中的人类生活本身。与此相应的电子媒介文化则是一种全新的文化样式,它构造了我们的日常生活和意识形态,塑造了我们关于自己和他者的观念,并以此而制约着我们的价值观、情感观和我们对世界的理解。作为加拿大已故著名思想家麦克卢汉和多伦多传播学派的学术传人,戴瑞克·德科柯夫充分利用自己驾轻就熟的多学科资源,通过跨学科的比较研究和科学的实地调查实验,对以电视、电子计算机、国际互联网、虚拟现实和赛伯空间等为载体的电子媒介文化做了富有启迪性和创新性的考察,从而使麦克卢汉的媒介理论得以进一步的充实和发扬光大。 It is well - known that the electronic media has become very popular in our everyday life now. It has greatly changed the mode of cultural communication and the culture formation itself. As a result, our conscious, feelings, values, and even our understandings of the world have been definitely constructed or impacted by the media culture based on the electronic medias, such as television, the personal computer, the Internet, and the virtual reality of cyber space. As a Director of the McLuhan Program in Culture & Technology at the University of Toronto, a distinguished academic successor of Marshall McLuhan, Derrick De Kerckhove made a notable contribution not only to McLuhan' s media theory but to Toronto School of Communication as well through his profound interdisciplinary studies of, his subtle experiment on, or even his own insight into the new electronic medias.
作者 陆道夫
出处 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2003年第3期22-26,共5页 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
关键词 戴瑞克 电子媒介 文化 心智 传播 Derrick De Kerckhove electronic medias culture mind communication
  • 相关文献


  • 1Marshall McLuhan.Understanding Media: The Extension of Man[]..1964
  • 2Mark Poster.The Mode of Information[]..1990
  • 3Nick Stevenson.Understanding Media Culture: Social Theory and Mass Communication[]..1995
  • 4Derrick De Kerckhove.The Skin of Culture: Investigating the New Electronic Reality[]..1995
  • 5Paul Grosswiler.Method Is the Message: Rethinking McLuhan through Critical Theory[]..1998


  • 1丹尼尔@杰@切特罗姆著 黄静生 黄禾生译.传播媒介与美国人的思想[M].北京:中国广播电视出版社,1991..
  • 2英尼斯著 何道宽译.传播的偏向[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2003..
  • 3Harold Innis. The Bias of Communication [M].Toronto:University of Toronto Press, 1951.
  • 4Harold Innis. Empire and Communication [M].London: Oxford University Press, 1950.
  • 5Nick Stevenson. Understanding Media Culture: Social Theory and Mass Communication[M]. London: SAGE Publications, 1995.
  • 6Paul Grosswiler. Method Is the Message: Rethinking McLuhan through Critical Theory [M].Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1998.
  • 7Marshall McLuhan. Understanding Media:The Extension of Man [M]. New York:McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964.
  • 8Marshall McLuhan & Q. Fiore. The Medium is the Message [M]. Harmondsworth: Penguin,1967.









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